
I have a breech question...?

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my baby is breech...i'm 35 weeks..almost 36... the baby is has been breech since forever so next week when i go to the doctor he is scheduling a c section for a week before my due date, unless i go into labor on my own before then then of course it would be sooner. But anyway im a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced, is there a certain point in dilation, like if you start dilating too much they will schedule it sooner?




  1. They would most likely have to do an emergency c-section if that happens.

  2. I am 33 weeks with my third.  My first was breech until I had her.  Dialation is TOTALLY normal, sometimes even for weeks before labor.  Usually as much as 3 cen.  (I am at one now).  My oldest was breech and we shceduled a turning and then a c-section.  Before my appt, though, she turned herself (while I was sleeping) and broke the water.  Even if you go into labor they can perform a c-section so they probably won't move up the date unless you start labor or your water breaks.  Give the little guy every chance to turn around on his own.  Good luck!

  3. Wow... i was 36wks when they found out my monkey was breech... they gave me 10 days of exercise to try and flip her... than they offered an Ecv (version) - where they relax the uterine muscles and flip her manually from the outside.  c-section is a last resort and they said it wasnt even an option before week 39.  

    I get weerie of doctors who wanna talk about throwing you under the knife when your baby isnt even technically full term yet (37wks).  I personally would definately research the other options.  c-sections are not a small deal!

    By the way - after 5days of breech exercises... Monkey flipped on her own.  

  4. Depending on if your little one if Frank Breech or footling breech they could schedule you sooner. If the little one is footling breech they do not want the feet to come out first. They are not big  enough to open the cervix to get the baby's head through. I think you will be fine. Fingertip is less than 1cm and a friend of mine was 3cm for 3 weeks. Looks like you are doing great mommy. Hang in there. Happy Baby!!

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