
I have a brother who's better at everything that i do what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I am good at video games he's better i'm amazing at soccer and basketball he's even better. How do I handle this. He brags.




  1. I can relate to that... I am 30, and my brother is 26. I felt that way as a kid.. and I still feel that way sometimes as an adult. Last Christmas... I bought my Mom a digital picture frame and spent a lot of time filling it up with pictures of our family over the years. I was really proud of it, until my brother gave her a 50 inch plazma TV to hang above her fireplace.

    So uh, yeah, I know how you feel. I try to learn from him, he is in law school and is doing really well. Maybe I could have been if I had decided to apply myself more when I was younger, but I was more into partying than studying so I didn't really get there.

    I actually had a talk with him about it, and was surprised to find out that he gets jealous of me from time to time too. I have an eight year old son, and he wonders if he will ever have kids because of how much he works.

    I am sure that there are things you do better than your brother, you just may not have realized it yet. Maybe you get better grades or get along better with friends or are a more caring person.

    Just hang in there, learn from him on the things he is better in, it will only make you stronger. Try not to get down if you don't always win, everybody develops at different speeds and has different things they are good at. You will find your niche, life isn't a competition, it is a journey. Enjoy it.

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