
I have a bubble on my eye?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, this is really scaring me. Yesterday, duing school something was bothering me really really bad, so I just took my contact out. When i tried to see what it was, it appeared to be like a bubble. and I have no clue what to do! I dont know if this will help with anything, but I have just started my period (not for the first time) and I am sick right now. Im not wearing my contact, but Im not going to wear my glasses to school. I stayed home today. But still, what is this bubble? Its starting to really scare me and I dont want to go blind or anything ):




  1. My friend who is a contact lens wearer has had this happen a couple of times.  Her's is an infection that has is fairly easy to clear up with antibiotic drops.  By all means, get to the eye doctor quickly and the longer this goes on the more serious it can become.

  2. If it is a small, clear bubble on the white part of your eye then you have a small fluid cyst that requires no treatment.  If its appearance bothers you, see an eye doctor.  These cysts can be drained, but they tend to recur.

    If it is NOT a clear bubble definitely have it looked at.

  3. dont worry, as long as you handle it it will be ok. just go to the doctor immediately and listen to the advice carefully. then by medical permission, take some eyedrops. remember, the more longer u take to do this, the more risk u willl be blind or smth.

    hope i helped.

  4. check up real fast to the doctor .u may have some kind of disease , which can be cured

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