
I have a buckskin and he needs a friend... i dont know if i should buy a mare or another gelding... HELP?

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I have gotten a buckskin gelding just recently and i moved him from his current pasture to a 300 acer pasture much better for him! I was thinking about getting another horse so he would have a friend... but i dont know if i should buy a mare or another gelding. A mare would boss him around like the last one.. and i dont know about a gelding. Can anyone help? I really dont want to pay more for a mare... but at the same time i want a mare. Then geldings are cheeper but i dont know if they could get along... :( Im so confused!!




  1. It doesn't really matter, mare or gelding. It matters on the horse's temperament. Do you have the money to pay for the upkeep of a second horse? If you do, find a horse that you would enjoy being around. If you could find a horse that is trained for something similar to what your gelding does, that would be a good option. Also, a horse with a milder temperament is less likely to try to be the lead horse.

  2. It doesn't matter the "s*x" of the horse such as a gelding or mare.  It depends on how well the two get along.  But with the two being the only ones in the pasture, in time they will join the "herd" and become friends.  Rarely is there two horses that won't get along...unless either one is very dominant and mean.  There is always an "alfa" horse though, which means that is the stronger one and the leader of the other.  It is like this because this is how they are in the wild.

  3. If you want a mare, get a mare. If you want to put another gelding with him that if fine as long as he is gelded young. Gelding usually get along pretty well. Either s*x would be fine. Just not a stud.

  4. The mare gelding issue will only depend on the horse itself. I have seend geldings be more lead in a herd. If you dont want to spend a lot of money, then you could always get a goat. They are cheep and the horse will herd well with a horse.

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