
I have a bump on my gums. It is the same color as my gums. when i put pressure on it i feel a little pain.

by  |  earlier

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It is the same color as my gums. When i put pressure on it hurts just a little. It feels as if it has water inside. I is about the size of a #2 pencil eraser but rounded. Can anyone tell me what this is. It would be well appreciated. P.S. I'm only 12.




  1. I agree with the other answers. I searched and found a site that someone suggested a home remedy until you can get to a dentist.   Read some of the many comments.   ...Good Luck...

  2. i had that, it's an absess, go talk to ur dentist asap, cuz it can get worse

  3. Sounds like you are developing an abscess in your gum, a trip to the dentist will help alot and he will put you on an antibiotic.

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