
I have a bump on my lip and im frekin out about it?

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ok so im a 16 yr old dude who smokes sometimes and AFAIK i never had a cold sour untill today about 3 hours after i smoked with this dude but he dosent have a cold sour and i was wondering what can i do to make it go away also can this be herpies (i havent made out or given oral) also how do i know if its just a cold sour or herpies it dosent hurt just feels wierd and its dry and has white spots on the top




  1. I bet its a cold *****SORE****. Hes probably just getting over one and didn't tell you. It does sound like a cold sore though.

    You should get to a doctor and have it checked, though. just to be sure its not some sort of flesh eating disease or something haha

    And stop smoking, because you will die.

    have a nice day =)

  2. Well, I won't lecture you for smoking- I'm sure you already know that it's terrible for you.

    Cold sores are contagious. They can pass from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact (or, in your case, on cigarettes!). Until it has completely dried and crusted over, don't kiss/share food/share utensils/share cigarettes/share toothbrushes with ANYONE. Wash your hands frequently, and try NOT to touch the cold sore. If it doesn't go away within 2 weeks, go to the doctor- it might be a symptom of something more serious.

    There's a few things you can do.

    1. (My brother does this). Get a clean needle, pop the cold sore, and then press a cotton ball to it (cotton ball should be soaked in rubbing alcohol). It will dry up and disappear very quickly, but it hurts like h**l.

    2. Go to a local drug store (Walgreens, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart, etc.) and buy a product called Blistex. It's just a cream that you apply directly to the cold sore, very painless, you forget that it's there- but it's slow to work.

    Good luck.  

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