
I have a bunch of broken cars.?

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All three of my cars are broken... Should I just kill myself?




  1. The first one you may get away with, but I suspect they'll be onto you after that... just take this one fix at a time and concentrate on one car at a time. Get one good and sell it. Then do the second. Then the 3rd. I always have to remind my husband (who also tends to end up with lots of broken cars) you can't eat the entire elephant at one sitting. You CAN eat it one bite at a time, though. Hey, if you really want to try something cool, sell them all and buy a car that runs on natural gas (methane). That's what we have. Super cheap to fill up and even clean for the environment. Look  into it...

  2. Or make new Friends that really know to work on them for you. lol maybe throw in a case of beer or something.

  3. If you live in Florida you could park it in the path of a hurricane or where there will be a storm surge and let it get water damage.Or you could hire someone to steal the car and sell it for scrap.(cough)  

  4. No, you should invest in a socket set.

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