
I have a bunion and im 14. *pics?

by Guest58338  |  earlier

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Ha ha okay. I know I don't have pretty feet so you don't have to mention it:)

I'm 14 and the doctor said I will probably need surgery beforeI'mm 21 unless it hurts me.

Well it really hurts!

The doctor told me it washereditaryy and my uncle had it.

Mainly the right foot.

Do you think I will need surgery?

Right foot -

Left foot-

Its kind of hard to see but on my left foot my little toe really overlaps my big toe

They also cause problems with finding shoes and stuff.




  1. Ouch, I'm so sorry, hun.....yes, it is extremely hereditary.  If you've been wearing high heels, it only aggrevates it because it causes the toes to jam.  Are you seeing a podiatrist (foot doctor)?  There's a bunion splint thing they can try to use that helps straighten the toes and also some toe spacers for where they overlap.  I would definitely try those things first.  In my opinion, surgery would be a last resort if the condition was so painful that it affects your daily life.  But I would still consider surgery as an option.  Good luck!

  2. omygosh im so sorry. if it really hurts than yea surgery will be good  

  3. you may need surgery.  that sucks i had one when i was very young.  better to get it taken care of now tho.  im glad i did... those things hurt!  

  4. i have a bunion too!...they r nasty looking aren't they...mine is pretty bad, i mean it hurts, but i can still cousin has one too, but she went surgery to fix it...according to my cousin, she said it was not worth it because now she is more pain than before...she said that if you have a choice, DO NOT GO TO SURGERY  

  5. That's actually your left foot.. Then your right.. 0_o

  6. It doesn't look too severe, but if it hurts really badly, I don't know what else you can do, really.

    I'm sorry about that. ):

  7. Ah I'm 15 and have the same problem. About 2-3 years ago they were bothering me so much and hurting, after a while they stopped though, for some odd reason. My mother also has them, I inherited them from her. Well you can get a surgery to correct them, but you can even walk on your feet for like a few weeks and have to keep your feet elevated....

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