
I have a burglary felony on my record from 1999 - 10 years next year. How can I get a job in Utah?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know what companies in Utah do not do background checks. I am a good hard worker with forklift experience, warehouse inventory, sales, computer skills.




  1. Nobody ever checks, I have always put down that I have never been arrested or covicted of anything.

  2. look for other places to work. some states only require you to report it if it was w/in the last seven years. it really depends.

  3. Move. No offense to anyone that lives in Utah but most people there will not give you a job there with a felony, especially not a burglary felony. They will think you can't be trusted with their merchandise. Other states are more likely to give you a chance but because Utah is so predominantly Mormon they will hold their applicants to a higher standard, just like they do their  church members.

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