
I have a burn on the tip of my tongue that wonts go away..?

by  |  earlier

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I think i burned my tongue, but it was a while ago. like 2 weeks ago. and it wasnt even that bad, but the tip of my tongue still hurts SO bad and its bright red with a few little bumps. Also i have a tongue piercing that i got like 2 months ago, can this have anything to do with it?? i seriously cant stand the pain and discomfort anymore..its distracting me almost all day..




  1. You might have apthous sores on your tongue.  They hurt pretty severely.  Talk to your dentist about what you can do for them.  you can also try using black licorice as a medication- take a piece and put it as close to the sores as you can, let the licorice melt.  That usually offers up a lot of relief, but you will have to keep using the licorice whenever the pain comes back.  It usually helps to clear those up in a couple days.

    Unless the tongue piercing has redness around it, it probably doesn't have that much to do with it- it should be pretty well healed now.

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