
I have a burning ambition to do something and not a clue how to do it. i have written to the government and ?

by  |  earlier

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surprise surprise got nowhere.

I have a very complex medical history including a benign brain tumour and am on 13 prescribed medication. I am disabled through spinal injury but have a positive attitude and get on with life. Most of the conditions are are and not covered by the very few conditions which allows free prescriptions. I had to retire very early 8 years ago because of my health problems.

My husband is in full time employment but has diabetes and because that is one of the exempt illnesses gets all his medication free regardless of the illness.

I am grateful our NHS but ddon'tunderstand how the government can identify certain illnesses can be exempt from charges

For instance my tumour is on my pituitary gland which can affect your thyroid gland if it did I would then get my prescriptions free but not just for having a tumour.

i do get an annual pre paid card but that is £120 a year and want to do some campaigning for free prescriptions for people who have long term conditions but have no idea how to start.

If anyone can advise me that would be fab,

thanks guys, happy tuesday!




  1. get up a petition, start with family and friends and take it from there.

    sorry you didn;t get any more answers..

  2. You need to speak honestly with your primary care doctor.

    If he has any compassion at all, he will provide you the knowledge or support you need to skew your condition to fit under the umbrella of exemption.

    He won't be cheating the system or the taxpayer.  He will only be providing the counsel that you deserve.

  3. Take a shorter 3 months prepaid prescription and you can squeese an extra months in just before it expires

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