
I have a butcher block that butts up against another butcher block, how do I seal the seams between the two?

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I have the two butcher blocks that are side by side to create a longer work surface. I already installed them onto my base cabinets and where the two butt up it is a small seam. Now the seam doesn't bother me far as looks, my worry is I don't want any food, dirt, or any other misc items to fall in between the two. I would just like to know is there any special sealer such as a caulk or glue that would be good to use to seal the gap before I varnish the top? Thanks to all that replies.




  1. silicone caulk will seal the gap you can buy the one that dries clear lowes or hd sells it

  2. I would use a light weight grout and a sealer over that.  If you fill the whole gap with glue or calk it won't last as long and you will risk putting chemicals in food when pieces of it break off.

  3. ziploc

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