
I have a cage for my 2 gunia pigs 32''x19'' . iIs it good enough for them?

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My 2 gunia pigs cage is 32''x 19'' , is it a good size cage for 2? also , how do i get my pigs to do some exercise during floor time? They do nothing just hide,even though they have been with us for a week.




  1. If you want to give your guinea pigs to exercise,buy a hamster-like ball for them but only the ball made only for guinea pigs.Umm i thinks that pretty good for the cage size.

  2. No. It is very small, even for one. The minimum two should have is about 50"x30". They really do need quite a bit of space. Please look here:

    You can make your own large cage for very cheap.

    Floor time is mandatory every day for them. DO NOT use a ball like the other person suggested. Guinea pigs cannot run on curved surfaces ever. For exercise, you will need to either create a playpen, or 'piggy-proof' a room and let them explore it freely. I suggest starting with a pen since it is smaller and you have more control over them.

    And since they are only a week old, it is only inevitable that they are still terrified! They are prey animals, and are incredibly cautious of everything by nature. It does take them a very long time to get used to things. Also by nature, they instinctively hide when they are afraid, so make sure they always have a hiding place to feel safe in, even when they are out of the cage. Give them a few more weeks to get used to it all. Handle or touch them daily, and reward them with a nice treat after.

    more info here:


    This site has a calculator to determine. Also shows a great inexpensive cage you can make. The more space they have in a cage the more your guinea pigs have the more they popcorn and get exercise.

  4. "If you want to give your guinea pigs to exercise,buy a hamster-like ball for them but only the ball made only for guinea pigs"

    Apparantly you have no expierience (no offense), because, unlike a hamster, their backs are fragile and are not meant to be bent backward. That could cause spinal injury. So don't use those or a wheel.

    No worries about them not running around. It takes a while for them to get used to their surroundings. Mine starting running around at two weeks. Take them out frequently, but for short amounts of time. They should get used to it. Also, give them a treat (strawberry,etc.) everytime you take them out.

    Your cage is not big enough. You need a 2X4 foot cage for two, but the recommended is 2X5.

    If you need anymore info, email me at

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