
I have a canker sore in my mouth. Right inside my lower lip. It's been a week now. How do I get rid of it??

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It's in my mouth, not on my lip!!




  1. You shouldn't treat canker sore or if you want you can try gargling with vinegar mixed in a mild water.

  2. Well.... the good news is your almost finished the suffering period.  Canker sores generally last 7 to 10 days.  If it's longer than that check yourself.  In other words are you taking good care of your self?  Canker sores a.k.a. herpes simplex 1 usually surface if your stressed, not sleeping, or eating well.  There's also an oral pill you can take called Valtrex.  Your dr. can prescribe this so you'll never have another sore again.  i.e. there expensive, but worht it.  Dee

  3. If you have any spices in your cabinet, you can put some Thyme or Alum on it, both work really really good, but taste nasty. Otherwise you can go to the store and purchase some Kanka-sore medicine. I think thats what it is called.

  4. either pop it or get carmex or blistex complete moisture some type of chapstick

  5. It should go away within 10 days depending on the size. You can put 1/8 of a tsp of salt into 8 oz of water and gargle. You can also swish 1/2 tsp of benadryl in your mouth to take away the pain. I feel sorry for you. By the way, those people who tell you canker sores are a form of herpes, they are not. I've been getting them since I was about 3 or 4 and I have never had a normal cold sore herpes outbreak and also if you look anywhere online you will see that it says canker sores are not herpes.  I get canker sores probably 10 times a year and they are painful. In fact I have one now. Best of luck to you.

  6. sounds like an ulcer. Youre not going to like my answer cos its going to hurt like h**l. Put vegemite on it (if in Oz), failing that, mix water and a heaps of salt, gargle, making sure it gets all over your sore and spit the salty water out. Do this several times a day. should heal in 2, 3 days.

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