
I have a cannon powershot sd1000 and the lens is stuck out and i cant get it to go back in?

by  |  earlier

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and the camera wont work at all i try to turn it on and it makes a funny beeping noise and says 'lens error restart camera' anyone know how to fix this without going to a shop ?




  1. This happened to me. One of my friends dropped my camera, and it somehow jammed the lens. Eventually, I took it to a camera shop. The guy said that he could send it off, which might be expensive, or he could try to fix it himself, which might potentially break it worse. I agreed to let him try. He basically just gently maneuvered the lens in all directions until it retracted (with an unpleasant crunch). It now works, but the lens cover doesn't always open all the way.

    If you really can't send it off, this sort of manipulation might be a good last resort.

  2. If your camera has been damaged, the following will not work. You will need to check with a Geek at one of the better camera stores.  In most cases electronic things today are not repaired because the expense is more than the cost of replacement, but the following information may help you solve the problem.

    You may have good batteries, but the battery to camera contacts may be bad. To reset the camera, remove the batteries for at least one minute and make sure the batteries are charged. The next step is to clean the electrical contacts between the camera and the batteries.

    The source link will help you clean the camera and battery contacts.  After you have batteries charged and electrical contacts clean, reinsert the batteries and all should be working  well.

    The secret to making digital cameras work better is having good electrical contacts between the batteries and the camera.

    Digital cameras require lots of power. If electrical contacts are not really good, this can cause lots of problems so battery and camera contacts must be cleaned properly. Batteries may have a full charge, but will be viewed by the camera as low if contacts are not really good. The LCD display is a low steady load, but with extending the lens, focus, optical zoom, and flash charging in the capture mode; it is like starting a car. With bad contacts, cameras can do strange things like making bad pictures or shutting off with the lens out.

  3. try when your turning it on or off to lightly twist the lens casing with your thumb and index untill it moves but be careful that you dont break it

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