
I have a canon G9 and i really whould like to know, help please ?

by  |  earlier

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YES, i know these pics have been taken buy G9.

Open the web please.

Sorry, the web is in Vietnamese language and the photographer on this web said : these pics were taken by G9.

And I already have the basic OPanda IEXIF2 but it is not be able to find the info. of these pics.

Yes, i really would like to know how to set-up the cam. for taking these pics.

Thanks for your help and thanks for your times.




  1. If your camera has it, you can use the "macro" feature, otherwise use manual, shutter speed priority, or aperture priority.

    As you can see, there is a very shallow depth of field, so the photographer used a pretty wide aperture, probably something between F2.8 to F4.

    There is also no visible movement, so the photographer used a pretty fast shutter speed, atleast 1/125.

    It was taken on a sunny day, so the ISO was probably set to 100.

  2. *Above answer*

    Manual control

    Possibly shooting in Raw

    Post Processing

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