
I have a canon digital camera, and my memory can has an error how do i fix it or format it?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i try to format it the camera shuts off, when i plug it in the computer theres nothing in the memory stick.




  1. first off, what type of camera is it. i have a canon rebel xti didgital slr camera, you???

    try plugging it into another computer :/

  2. Get like a thumbtack and push it into

    the reset hole/button thingy which

    should be on the bottom of the camera.

    Um, i think that might do something.

    Sorry if it doesn't work : /


  3. In the camera there is a format section.  Or plug the memory card into windows.. right click and choose format on the drive.

  4. This happened to me as well.

    Unfortunately it means a circuit on the memory card has shorted somehow caused either by dust or moisture. The reason why the camera shuts down is because it has detected short in the memory card.

    You can try using some tools to recover memory errors but if the PC is not even detecting the card to begin with, there's nothing you can do.

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