
I have a car that was involved in a accident on 3/7/08 and we are still fighting the guys insurance co.?

by  |  earlier

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The car is totaled and sitting at a tow yard, collecting $ $ everyday that it sits there. It was the other drivers fault but he is not claiming that. My lawyer won't call me back and I don't know what to do about the car. Can I release the to ? or what. This is my first accident where the car was totaled. I need some guidance.




  1. If its not your fault, clear cut that is, have they offered you a hire car as yours is undriveable, at the other party costs well his/hers insurance company anyway. We're the police involved? I wouldn't worry about your car if its totalled once the other parties insurance have paid you out for the car its down to them to say what happens with the car. Your insurance and there one will decide who's really at fault. Its still early days yet.

  2. You have hired an attorney.

    You will be paying him a very large chunk of any settlement you get.

    If he will not call you back....go to his office and meet with him or his paralegal.

    If you have collision -- call your company. They can pay for your damage and go back against the other company for repayment - if appropriate.

  3. Great website, resourceful,user-friendly should be able to answer your questions.

  4. What does the police report say about fault? I'm surprised that your insurance company isn't fighting for you.

  5. This was your first accident where the car was totalled - how many other accidents have you had then?

    The accident was only 2 weeks ago, if there is any doubt as to who is at fault it is going to take a lot longer than that.

  6. First of all, I would get another lawyer and check with him/her.

    Second...What's happening with the claims department of your insurance company?... You have reported it haven't you?

    Based on that, you will know what to do next.

  7. i've been in an accident like this before as well and it was quite the headache... they have up to 2 YEARS to complete the claim.. if you know you are not at fault, you should be okay. just let insurance handle everything. Both sides have to be working towards settling for it to go smoothly. its unfortunate that you cant control what the other person does.. it took a year and a half for them to settle my suit. call and do what you can do. just hope you have a good insurance plan.

  8. If your lawyer isn't calling you back, get a new one.

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