
I have a car with Vancouver BC plate. How can I get a California plate and give up my Canadian plate? ?

by Guest10725  |  earlier

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BTW. I drove my car from Vancouver and will stay in California myself that's why I want to keep my car. But I would insure my car in California and terminate my car insurance in Vancouver if I decide to keep my car in USA. The alternative way is to drive my car back to Vancouver and sell it in Canada. And buy a car in Califormia if I have to.




  1. I suggest you locate a local car insurance agent to assist you. Since I live in New Hampshire I can't suggest an agent in California, but here is an website that can help you.

    Good Luck!

  2. You have to import it through US Customs to be able to legally sell it in the US.  

    When you brought it into the US, it was on the understanding that it was a temporary import that would be leaving when your visit was over.

  3. Check with the DMV first for the guidelines as to switching the registration. depending on the make and model and year. one of my friends was told to get a letter from Honda to guarantee that the emissions of the vehicle would meet California standards. He got it but California really hassled him so much he eventually drove back to Richmond and sold the car.

    Things may have changed now so they are more lenient but I don't know. Of course California wants to stimulate the economy by forcing you to buy a car here. They also tax you for the transfer as well.

    You have to find out from them though.

  4. you are supposed to collect as much as resource as you can by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you have good luck there,then your problem solved.however,if you could not find the fitful answer by doing that,here is the resource i prefered.

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