
I have a cashier's check from 5/3 bank that my wife's grandma signed over to me. Where can I cash this check?

by  |  earlier

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Me and her grandmother have always been close and we always used to visit her when the rest of the family didn't. Now when we were visiting one day she got a letter from her bank stating that she overpayed her loan that was already payed off. With the letter was her cashier's check stating her name/estate. She signed the check over to us saying that we needed it more that she did. I never cashed the check, but she recently passed away, and me and my wife find ourselves in need of the money. We currently aren't on good terms with 5/3 bank, so where should I cash this check?




  1. u can cash it at walmart!

  2. Endorse it and deposit it into your bank account.

  3. never heard of 5/3 bank, but do you have an account with any bank ?  you or your wife should be able to cash it at any bank where you have an account....

  4. its part of her estate...does the executor know...sounds like ur up to no good..."not on good terms" with the bank??cash it there anyway..unless you can't because its illegal!!!

  5. Unless you and grandma have a joint account, you can't cash it. How would the bank know that's her legitimate signature? Since she has passed, it's part of her estate.

    Another poster was correct: checks are stale-dated after six months, unless something else is printed on the check like, void after 90 days or void after one year. If it is expired, Fifth-Third can exchange it for a new one, but the new check will have the same payee: Grandma.

  6. First of all, you don't say how old this check is.  If it is more than 6 months old, it is stale-dated and would need to be reissued.

    Also, banks do not like to negotiate double-endorsed checks, which is what you have.  If you have a bank account, you may be able to deposit it and wait at least 10 business days to see if it clears.  Don't count on it though - as I said, banks generally will not negotiate a double-endorsed check because they have no way of verifying the first signature on the check (the person who the check is made out to).

  7. I find it interesting that the bank send a overpayment refund with grandma's name/estate as payee.  That sounds like grandma was alread dead when the check was issued.

    I suspect your own bank won't accept that check with "estate" in the payee line.  You need to turn that check over to the executor of the estate.

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