
I have a cavity and I was wondering . . .?

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k so I was wondering if the dentist would be able to put me on like laughing gas when they're drilling my tooth.

The cavity is in the very back of my mouth and apperantly the cavity goes like under my tooth or something and its big.

I've had bad experiences with cavity's [ I HATE THE FEELING! ] so I was just wondering if they would be able to put me on laughing gas.

I'm 15 turning 16 if that helps lol.

and also with previous cavity's they did put numbing gel on my gums and then gave me a shot but I still felt it :(!




  1. actually they probably wont because if they gie u too much it will be really painfull. they will have to jam your mouth open with this auto locking thingy to keep it open and strap u in.. also, when they finish, youll be laughing really hard.. laughing gas actually makes u lagh my sisters friend got that..

  2. Not every office uses gas, so check to see if yours does.  They

    will still have to give you a shot, (sorry about that), because gas

    doesn't get you numb, it just makes you relax some.  So the best

    thing is to put the gel on to get you numb for the injection, then

    give you the injection.  You will probably still feel it some, but not

    as much.  

  3. You should call the office and ask them and tell them about your bad experiences.Who knows?

  4. Some dentists use nitrous oxide and some don't.  The best thing you can do is ask about it when you make the appointment, but expect to be charged extra for the gas.

    All nitrous oxide does is relax you, it doesn't lessen the pain any.

    Normally, the dentist will rub your gums with a topical analgesic (Orajel) which will numb you slightly, before injecting the novocaine (you WILL feel the pinch.)  The novocaine should numb you quite well, but you'll still feel pressure when the dentist is drilling.  If you feel pain even after the dentist has given you novocaine, then you probably haven't had enough, and should inform the dentist.

  5. they may be able to..I would ask them  

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