
I have a chance to buy a 1995 BMW 325iS with 208,000 miles. its in ok condition and it is at a used car lot.?

by  |  earlier

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I can get the car for $2,500 and I want some opinions on what you think. I am 18 and therefor its one of my first vehicles. This car MUST last me atleast 4 years so I can pay off my previous loan. Should I get it?




  1. I'm a BMW guy but in this case i'm going to have to say no. If you REALLY want a BMW there are a number of things you have to look for, I won't list them all here but you can google it there are tons of forums and stuff for that. Sadly, I'll agree with the others, in your case, well, just go out and buy a LAME honda, it's absolutly nothing special but it will get you where you want to go. (without a bang lol)

    Still want a BMW? Everyone slams BMW for there reliablilty, I'd reccomend a 1992-1996 318 (the 318 4 cyls are way better on gas a more reliable) with under 160,000 miles. You can find an old BMW in really good condition for a good price if you look far enough. But really, if you'r going to do alot of driving get a boring j*p car, if you don't have to do much driving and you wan't something special that will be a little fun get a BMW. But do some research first, and keep looking until you find what you need. 318s are great, mines a 1994, it's got 170,000 miles, I maintain it very well and guess what? It's never given me any problems!

  2. You should try here instead:

    You might find a better deal.

  3. h**l No that is way to many miles and Older bmws are hard to fix most have to be taken to dealerships to be fixed and that is very very expensive. Go with something domestic Like chevy or ford and check consumer reports before you buy a little reseaarch will save you a lot of money and frustrastion, If you are going to buy it at least get a vehicle history report.

  4. NO NO RUN

    Do you really want to pay to repair a beater BMW???

  5. no get a honda. anytime you need something fixed on the bmw the parts will cost almost 3x more than a honda and they will be harder to find. plus a honda for the same price, (if you find a good one) will defidently last you atleast 4 years.

  6. I guess you should also check insurance quotes for the car before buying one, for example here:

    As I rememer BMWs is very expensive to insure.

  7. trust me when i say you cant afford the repairs on that piece of junk.for your first car you should be looking at something easier and cheaper to will thank me later.a 1995 bmw in any shape should get more than 2,500.there is surely something wrong with the car,that your not seeing.if you can afford 2-3,000 every time something breaks on it go for it.if not go for a honda civic-or a 208,000 miles that car is past its useful life and you will have nothing but repairs to keep it running.good luck.

  8. No in my opinion.  The car might last you 4 years, but the maintaining is the problem  BMW are good cars but parts are not cheap and if the car was not taken care of, you could be paying a lot in repairs.  Also that car is worth $2000 unles it is cherry.

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