
I have a chigger problem. ?

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I spray and spray and the problem persists. My yard is a no go zone and it's getting very old. Any suggestions?




  1. I can not fix your problem, but from a person that has a chigger ridden yard my self. Mowing regular and keep all weeds and tall grass areas will help. Wear your shoes and socks and wait for the first good hard frost. There are some expensive sprays out there, but I don't know if they work any better than the rest. Good luck and don't scratch. JC

  2. Chiggers love tall grasses and weeds.  Make sure and keep your lawn cut short.  Also if you have a neighbor who doesn't keep up there yard or a Field adjoining to your property they may be coming from there.  When I lived in Texas I had to buy some commercial grade round up and make a 10 ft barrier between my yard and the Field behind me.  Also I used a kill on contact and a slow release insecticide.  I had to reapply a few times a year but it worked.

  3. Try liquid Sevin.  It is not real expensive and as far as poisons it is not as bad as dursban or diaznon which were taken off the market.  I use it in my vegetable garden and flower beds.

    I use a granular poison on my lawn but just enough up close to the house to keep spiders and other dangerous pests out of the house.

  4. YOU have that problem coz ur a stupid fat **** that sits all the time in ur couch u fat ***!  So u think im gona do a chicano as a linguist? **** YOU u cant defeat me mother **** coz im a gona be in the US army *****!

    And try insulting an US soldier in his face fat boy and not behind a computer. and if u hate the US army so much get out of america you good for nothing *** hole! HOOOAH! US ARMY WINS BIYATCH!

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