
I have a child in school here in the USA but I intend to move to Cananda, what do I do?

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I have a child that is in 6th grade and we are moving to Canada. I know here in Florida they will arrest you if your child is not in school or absent/out for more than 5 days. Who do I notify that I am moving to Canada so that I dont have a warrant out for my arrest on truancy? I have searched on the net but haven't come across anything relating to this. PLEASE HELP???

I also am going to be eligable for the common lay immigration due to my boyfriend is a canadian citizen. What is the process for all of this? SHould I start the paper work before going there or should I go under a 90 visit and then obtain the common law sponsorship for permanent residency??? I am so confused and my man only knows how it works to come here not how to go about getting me there!!! HELP! Any websites you can give me that would help or any information on anything...what loose ends do I need to tie up here in the US..I can't just drop of the earth (out of the USA), right? I mean can I drop off the radar???




  1. There are no visa's for boyfriend/girlfriend in Canada.  You must be in a common law relationship (living together for consecutive 12 months), conjugal partners or spouse.  It doesn't appear that you would qualify for any of these.  Perhaps conjugal partners but I don't know the details of your relationship so I can only speculate.

    Also, you bf must be living IN Canada to sponsor you in Canada.  Those are the rules.  He must have sufficient funds and proof of income. You should visit the CIC website for all the information on immigrating to Canada.

    About the earned income credit.  If you are legally residing in Canada but are a US citizen you still file a US federal tax form.  If you earned all your money outside of Canada then you cannot take the credit.  The EIC form will ask you if you have resided in the US for more than 6 months of the year---technically if you are legally residing in Canada this is not possible so you cannot take the credit.

    The very first year I moved to Canada I was eligible to take the credit but have not been able to since because of my Canadian residency obligations.

    There may also be some issues with your daughter coming to Canada.  If she is not the child of your current bf then you must have sole custody of her or have written permission from her father to legally remove her from the country.  Otherwise you could risk facing charges of kidnapping.  Just wanted to let you know.

    No, sorry his family members cannot sponsor you as you are not a family member and your relationship is only with him.  Yes, he will need to have a job or some kind of other verifiable income in order to be eligible to sponsor you.

    You cannot get residence without a sponsor.  If he can't be your sponsor then you would need to get a work visa and your employer would be your sponsor in that situation.

    Hint; if you are living in a conjugal relationship you must be able to prove this to CIC.  Start collecting bills in your name, joint account records or anything else at this point that shows evidence that you are co-habitating.  You will need all this when you fill out the application.

  2. School is out and I would suggest you get BF busy on this, if he made his way here,he knows how to get back there.

  3. You are moving out of the school district, and school is out for summer.  No problem as far as your daughter is concerned.  Just withdraw her (go to the school district's office) and get copies of all her school records to take to Canada once you get permission from Canadian authorities to enter Canada.

    Your bf needs to read the Immigration Canada website on how to sponsor you for Canadian immigration.  It's all there, so have him get off his duff and do the necessary before fall term starts so you can move and get your daughter enrolled in school in Canada.  

    If you do not get this done before school starts, she will have to start the term in your current school district.  When you are ready to move, withdraw your daughter, get copies of her school records to take to Canada, and go.

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