
I have a choice to go to a private school or public school what should i do?

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I've been in the same private school since 3rd grade and i want somthing new! so i thought i'd have a good time at public school and i've never had alot of kids in my private school. what do i do?




  1. My daughter was in private school all through elementary grades. We moved and put her into a public school, by her choice for middle school. She hates it. She said the people are rude and have no manners or decency. She wants to go back to private school. She said the public school kids are a lower class. If this is coming from a 6th grader, I kinda wonder! That's not to say the school you go to is going to be like that. You just don't see the things go on at public school happen at private schools, fights, guns, ect......good luck!

  2. I think public schools are way better. The people are real and down to earth. I had more fun in a public school than a private on .

  3. In my opinion a public school is always have to decide this.

  4. See what the public school has to offer cos you are often at a big advantage at private. If it will cater for what you want then great but be prepared for a big change.

    If you really just want something new why don't you find a new hobby/ out of school activity where you can meet new people and try new things while having your friends and school to fall back on for support.

    Good lck in choosing, been there and stuck with private, my education was better in the long run with more opportunities

  5. PUBLIC SCHOOL all the way!

  6. public school is more fun then a private school

  7. Yes, definitely go to a PUBLIC school! That is how it's supposed to be anyways. You'll have a blast meeting new people and you'll get a TON of friends. TRUST ME!! You should try it, honestly.

    DO IT!!!


  8. i had this choice i chose private school and have regretted it nearly ever day since starting

  9. Whether a school is a private school or public school is not important. There are good public schools and bad private schools. Charter and Magnet schools blur the distinction between private school and public school. So, I think academic reputation of school is important. If you find a good public school in your area, visit the school. Evaluate the school performance, if you find it satisfactory then go for it. The following article provides you parameter for evaluation:

  10. public school is ok. ive never went to a private school so i couldnt tell you, althouhg i would never want to go to a private school.

  11. go to public school trust me i kinda made the same mistake as you trust me

  12. PUBLIC!!!

  13. I went to public school. (a really great one, affluent community)

    I think it may depend on what you want. It seems that there is greater competition in private schools but the quality seems better overall as it should be. What are your academic goals? I would start there.

  14. what does this have to do with homeschooling

  15. I have been to both a public and private school.  It depends what you want - I had a much better schooling at private school but had much more fun at a public school.

    Only you can decide what you really want to do though

  16. Private school!!!!

  17. it depends on what you want.  i went to private (catholic) scholl grades 8-9, and the education there was dreadful, because it was all distorted to a religious slant.  when i switched to my final 3 years at a public school , the curriculum there was just as bad.  now, if the private school is really good for education, then you should stay.  having less kids is actually a good thing - the teachers have more time to deal with all the kids, and there are less bad apples in a private school (not to say there aren't any at all).  i know being in school, your primary concern is not education - but i'm 32 and attending college right now, and the kids there are the same way, so they get really awful grades and poor attendance.  and employers look at that.  so it all depends what's more important to you.

  18. Check out the public school before you make your decision.  I go to a public school and I really love my school; however, I know some people that go to a different public schools and hate their school.  It all depends on the school.  Some public schools are just really good, but some are not (like I said before).

    Visit the schools and stick to your gut. If you like the atmosphere, then good for you -  that's probably the school for you!!!!!

  19. You visit the school in question, learn about what they have to offer, see how the kids are, etc. Sleep on it, then make your decision.

  20. Go check out both schools before you attend either one.  Sometimes the private school is the better way to go and sometime the public school is the best way to go.  It really depends what city you live in.  I have gone to both.  When I went to private school in Alaska, it really wasn't necessary.  Both school systems were a lot alike, so I went back to public school, b/c it wasn't necessary for my parents to spend that kind of money.  BUT, when I moved to Las Vegas I went to a public school, and they were c**p and a lot of violence.  So I should have gone to a private school, but I was about to graduate anyway, so I just stayed there.  

    Thankfully, though in AK I was taught 2 grade levels above the norm, so I skated through!

    So, really do you research on both schools.  B/c, it is not like you are going to have more fun at public school than private school.  They both have the same activities and after school things.  Private school is a bit stricter, which is why people don't like it.

  21. Stick with a private school. Better education and a lot more options when it comes to programs. Public is good for the social aspect but is that more important?

  22. no matter which school you plan to attend - visit it before attending and spend quality time observing what goes on the campus if they let you sit in the classess as well..../

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