
I have a class overnight trip tomorrow, and I get really homesick, help?

by Guest60185  |  earlier

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Im 13, going to be a freshman, and I have an anxiety disorder. It makes me have random anxiety attacks, and Im not very good at being away from home. I was doing better for a while, but my parents just divorsed, and it sent me spinning back to this. I get bad stomach aches, and I will talk to somebody, but I need to survive tomorrow night, help please??




  1. Hey, Im 13 as well and I think i might know what to do, just talk to your friends on the trip (if they're going) about funny and exciting things that will make you feel happy! Also talk to your mum or your dad about it today and they might be able to text you often, call you etc.

    You'll be fine trust me :)

  2. I was taught a long time ago to play the "what if" game. It's what got me through a social anxiety disorder. Basically, you think of a situation like tomorrow night. Okay so you'll be away from home and you'll be home sick.."what if you're home sick?" what will happen? okay so you might have a stomach ache- "what if you had a stomach ache", etc. You've gotta let yourself know that even though things might happen they're never as bad as you think that they will be. Once you've gone through several "what if"s you'll realize that hey things aren't as bad as you think they might be. :) Don't worry about it- You'll have a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll make it just fine!!  

  3. Caffeine and laughter are good anti-depressants.

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