
I have a cleft chin but my parents don't have. Does it mean, they are not my real parents?

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I have a cleft chin but my parents don't have. Does it mean, they are not my real parents?




  1. Not if you have other features that resemble them.

    I know a girl who has blue eyes, but her mom and dad have brown eyes.

    I also know another person who doesn't look much like his dad, and not much like his mom, but a lot like his mom's dad, his grandpa.

    The cleft is probably from a grandparent.

  2. no, my hair is brown and parents were blonde, just come from some gene in the past

  3. Not at all. A cleft chin is a recessive gene just like a widows peak. I have a cleft chin and neither of my parents do but my great grandfather did. Ask your parents about your other family members. I bet someone in your extended family has one.

  4. I dont think that a cleft chin is good reason to think that you are adopted.  If you have other reasons PLUS the cleft chin then maybe you should ask your parents.  Actually, maybe you should ask your parents anyways.  Doesnt hurt.  BTW, I love cleft chins adorable in babies and very s**y in men and pretty in women..... :)

  5. it means u have dif genes

  6. No

  7. No it just means you may bee taking after another relative in your apperance.

  8. of course not  i mean my sister looks like my dad and my other sister looks like my mom and i don't look a bit like either sometimes i think i'm adopted but it wouldn't alot to me if i was as long they love me for me and it probably would bother me a little and i'd probably freak out at first

  9. No, it doesn't mean that...

    Genetics are complex (a lot more complex than we learned in high school for most traits) and very interesting. It is entirely possible for people without cleft chins to have a cleft-chinned child.

    Edited to add source: below.

  10. Do you think for some reason your parents are not your natural parents? Why not just asked your mom, and dad. Don't listen to the idiots; telling you checked the mailman, calling you a throwback; etc.....They are ignorant; and need to get an education. If for some reason; you feel this just ask. In families; it is never good to have secrets; a smart woman just told me that.

  11. No way, it has nothing to do w/ that.

  12. no, I am the only one in my family with different colored eyes except for my great great great grandmother and not all of Kirk Douglas kids have cleft chin's

  13. No it doesn't mean that at all.  You can inherit all types of things from other family members.  I attended a family reunion today and there were 6 generations present.  Some of us look like family, some of us don't.

  14. NO -it means you are a throw back in the genetics pool.

  15. No, it means you picked up the gene for a cleft chin from another relative.

  16. definitely no! my siblings and my mom  have chinky eyes and a two dimples below it. i have big eyes and no single dimples i dont even have a single features from my dad but i'm not adopted....But whenever i was my dads elder cousins people think i'm their daughter. My first cousin on my dad's older sister oftenly mistaken as my fathers son. In my mother side all my cousin look like my siblings except me. All of us in the family has blood type O negative

    face features can be from a distant, close relatives, great great grandparents, its not only from parents.

  17. It is recessive indeed.  So if your parents both had a cleft chin and you didn't, then you would need to be concerned.  But as it is, you're fine.

  18. Have you checked the mailman?

  19. No it does not, me and my ex husband both have brown eyes but my daughter has bright blue. Things can jump generations and they do.

  20. YES COMPLETELY. That is superb evidence for them NOT being your parents, bravo little adopted kid.

  21. no of course not it just means that you took after someone from the older generation in your family but if it helps then just ask your parents to tell you the truth.

  22. Nope.  A cleft-chin is a recessive gene.  It just means that you inherited 2 recessive genes, one from each parent.  In this case, they each must have 1 dominant and 1 recessive gene.  Which means that there's a 25% chance that any one of their children will inherit both recessive genes and have a cleft chin.

    By the way, the people who said it could be from a grandparent are mistaken.  It is impossible to inherit genes from a grandparent.

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