
I have a cockatiel with separation anxiety - she screams when I leave the room - till I come b?

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I have been unemployed and job searching on line with my cockatiel beside me. Now - when I leave the room she screams till I come back and sit beside her. It has gotten way out of hand! Any suggestions?? I need help!




  1. Starting off doing one thing with our birds, then changing confuses the bird thus causing stress for the bird.

    Good behavior's should be taught, is far easier than un-doing unwanted one's like this.

    To change this learned/Taught behavior-

    First mistake is going back and sitting beside your bird when she screams. This is reinforcing an un wanted behavior ~ you are giving the bird what it want's -You.

    Try this. Leave the room and say I'll Be Right Back each and every time. Start with staying out of sight, but talking to her from another room three or four minutes, then returning for afew minutes...if she is screaming say a firm, but calm and short nooo.

    Continue doing this and add a longer time of being out of sight. She will catch onto your saying I'll Be Right Back.

    When she no longer screams afew Mins., then walk back to her and cheerfully, with excitement, praise her; Good Girl!

    Or give her a treat for the wanted behavior.

    * I use words because often I don't have a treat in my hand at the time needed and waiting to go get one mess's up the instant "Reward" for a learned and wanted behavior.

    Many other's do use treats.

    Also know that out Exotic birds do not understand punishment, but they do understand and want praise from us.

    So use this to train her.

    Never get mad and yell at a bird, this scares them and we want them to trust us, never fear us.

    Never spend the time with a bird that you can't always do.

    Birds need to learn to be alone, provide safe and fun and interesting toys for them to stay busy when we can't be right there.

    Start slow and over days increase the time you are out of sight until the screaming stops with praise rewards.

    Then increase the time away over days until no more screaming when you aren't there.

    I always talk to my flock from other rooms in my home, my birds are talker's so they talk back to me.

    Birds like to have fun, so make fun you can share together.

    Peek-A-Boo is a game for you and birds, they catch on fast.

    Another one is you count - 1,2,3 ! then laugh.

    Soon the birds will be saying this to you for fun and a laugh.

    All of my birds laugh, then we laugh, then the neighbor's probably think we're crazy in here ~ grin ~

  2. LOL too cute...she LOVES you!

    All you can do as with any small child is walk away into another room and not give into her screams. Over time she will learn that you are going to come back.

  3. When we leave our Birds alone, we play music for our Birds, that usually settles them down. I also have a small TV that is for VCRs only, it's old, but works. I play kiddie movies for the birds. Like Disney movies, with singing in them. They love it! If the Bird is in the living room, it might like the TV to run while you're gone to keep it company. Anyway, it works for our birds and I think it might work for yours. If you go to a yard sale, you can probably find all kinds of things to play music with or VCR's for a buck or two, it doesn't cost much. And probably only takes a few minutes. Hope this helps!

  4. she loves you:)

  5. she is overbonded to you. Not good. My tiel had the same problem she would scream and she would climb to the floor and chase me and climb you my leg.

    here is an excellent site shows you symptoms of overbonding (includes the one u mention) and also how to help overbonding.

    hope i helped

  6. Dont be mad...Your Cockatiel LOVESSS you

  7. The best thing to do is to completely ignore her. She will soon learn her screaming will not get you back into the room to sit with her. Thats the problem, she is like a baby who wants to be held all the time, until you alter your own behavior she isn't going to change hers.

  8. Get her on a routine schedule from here on out. Get her some new toys and treats to peak her interest while you are away. Have extra toys to switch out to keep her from being bored also. I will give you some links to some toys  that my tiels keep entertained with. You could also consider looking for another female as a friend if time restrictions make it more difficult for you to interact with her. You will not need to find her a friend if you will still be able to give her a little time each day even after you start a busy work schedule. Oh yea and offer her millet sprays every day.

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