
I have a cold. mainly stuffy nose. what to take when pregnant...?

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i am 3 months prego :)

and i have a cold. my nose is unbareable. what meds is okay to take when you are pregnant. i know for like back aches tylonal is okay, just stuff with out asprin in it. so whats okay to take




  1. I used to have bad sinus problems, my nose was always stuffed and I ended up hooked on nose spray (nose spray rebounds).  Once I got off nose sprays, I looked for safe, natural remedies to clear a stuffy nose and help my sinuses and the following two methods are great - especially the Neti Pot, which has done wonders for my sinuses.

    1.  Boil 4 cups of water in pot.  Add some vicks and cover with lid, so steam or vicks smell does not escape and remove from heat.  Take towel and place over head.  Remove lid and lean over the pot, with towel covering your head and the pot (letting no steam escape), inhale and exhale through the nose.


    Boil 4 cups of water with 1/4 cup lemon thyme and inhale the steam.  Or try 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup water. Boil and inhale the steam, same as with the lemon thyme concoction.

    2.  Use a Neti Pot - this is the most effective solution for relieving a stuffy nose.  The Neti Pot looks like a squat watering can made of ceramic. With warm water (not too hot!) and about a teaspoon of sea salt, you flush out your sinuses by leaning over the sink and pouring into one nostril. The water comes out the other nostril, thus giving your sinuses a full cleansing.

    The following link is from the Oprah Winfrey Show with Dr. Oz - it demonstrates what the Neti Pot looks like and how to use it:

    In light of your being pregnant and not wanting to take medication, I strongly urge you to try the Neti Pot.  I had chronic sinus problems and now my sinuses are healthy and clear.  I practically use the Neti Pot on a daily basis and can't even remember the last time I had a head cold.  It really works, so please give it a try.

  2. Well I was going to post exactly what Amber did. Follow that list. I have the flu right now at 35 weeks and Im miserable but thank goodness for that list of safe medicine!

  3. The list of approved meds my Dr gave me for colds lists:



    *Corcidin D



    *Robitussin DM

    *Benadryl Cough

    *Triaminic Expectorant



    *Dimetapp Extentabs

    *Dimetapp Elixir

    *Sudafed or Actifed


    Sore Throat:

    *Chloraseptic spray

    *Warm, salty water

  4. paracetamol is best if you have a cold and completely safe to take while pregnant

  5. Sudafed!

  6. Tylenol Cold and Sudafed

  7. unfortunately there is very little you can take without running some risk to the baby especially at this early stage.Paracetamol is completely safe at all stages of pregnancy provided the recommended dosage advice is followed.avoid things like decongestant sprays as these can contain quite potent and potentially harmful essential oils.your best and safest bet is to speak with your family practitioner and/or gynaecologist for the latest of luck with baby tho!

  8. I have had a horrible cold for the past few weeks. The pharmacist told me I shouldn't even use cough drops because they contain mentholated and they don't have any conclusive studies on the effects to the baby. I have just been drinking tea with honey and lemon and using vicks and a vaporizer to break up some of the congestionn.

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