I want to protect my money while I'm going to college (military's paying, so I don't need it anymore), but I'm also going to be doing some high risk investing with small amounts of money, and if I go bankrupt or anything I want to protect this fund for short-term retirement? (ie I plan to retire early, so I want access to it within 10-15 years, rather than 20-30)
The ideal storage would allow me to earn a good APY, and be able to add money to it quarterly or yearly, and hopefully income tax free, or else annually paying taxes rather than deffering payments.
I was thinking of getting a CD account, but I'm really not sure.
Most importantly, though, is that I want this money protected and secure from another great depression, economic reccession, or inflation if that's at all possible.
I'm thinking investing in something physical like land or gold or ... would be a better idea, but it might be a worse idea than making 3% APY in a FDIC insured account?