
I have a colt who is a bit over a year I would like to have him gelded the sooner the better I have no horse?

by  |  earlier

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trailer so before I call a vet to come out and pay the $100 house call, how can I tell if his testicles have descended enough to geld him?




  1. Check this site:

  2. Look.  If they are descended it will look like he has 2 lumps in his scrotal sac.  If he just has one lump or none then wait.  They are pretty obvious from behind.  Prior to this the testicles are hidden within the body cavity and can not be seen.  Ei the sac is small and empty.

  3. Now's the time! Sooner the better is right, especially if he is around other'll start to notice him noticing the ladies, if there are any.

    You'll know if he's descended enough.  You should be able to see them, but if not, you should be able to feel them.  If you can feel them (and esp. if you can see them), then he's ready.

  4. You can look under there...What i do is actually feel for them.  I have a Paint getting gelded Thursday and you can see both of his.  I have an almost three month old colt and his little marbles i can see now.  Now when you reach there be careful, those are his goodies he may not want you touching them.  You may see one but if you feel you may find the other a little higher.  My Arab was this way.

  5. you will b able to obviously see his 2 testicles when they have droped!

  6. iv known colts to get gelded around 2 years old so i think your colt will be ready!! if you can get him to stand square then step back and view him from the side if you can see the testicles then i think he will be ready to geld, it should be obv as his testicles will be alot bigger when ready to geld. but as you said hes just over a year i think hes pretty ready anyway!

  7. JEFF SADLER gave a great description for you!

    You can reach in and careful!  An empty sac (flappy skin) means he's not ready.  If you only feel one, he's not ready.

    Look out!   They really don't like this up close personal interaction!  I got cow kicked!

    Most of our stud colts weren't dropped until they were just over 2.  One colt was ready at 1 1/2

    Call the vet and ask him what he wants you to feel for and he'll give you step by steps and more of a 'visual'

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