
I have a confession?

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This is a true story.

When I was 7 (36 years ago) I came across a cigarette machine that had been broken into. I managed to work my little 7 year old hand into the machine and remove a 20 packet of embassy mild.

I ran home with it and hid it in the garden shed for about six hours. But a tortuous sense of guilt got the better of me. So I took them back and put them back in the machine.

A few days later I realised that I had left my fingerprints on the Cigarette packet. I ran back to remove the evidence. But the machine had gone.

I have been a fugitive from justice ever since. I am still wracked with guilt for my crime.

Do you think I should turn my self in and do the time?

I am scared that I will have to go to prison and get raped in the showers by Mr Big, who is in with the warders.

I am torn between my guilt and avoiding becoming a career criminal.

Please advise me what you think I should do.




  1. I think you should have yourself committed .... to a NUT house !

  2. You mean you didn't take all those cigarettes and throw them in the trash can?   That is what you should feel guilty about.

  3. busted, there cracking down on unsloved crimes now

  4. I think I saw you on Americas Most Wanted!

  5. you are havin a laugh arent u??? well this question made me smile!

    and u would give ur local cop shop a giggle if u turned urself in, would love to be a fly on the wall if u did go to 'confess ur crime''!

  6. you took the cigarettes back so whats the problem, and as for fingerprints, if they havnt come looking for you in 36 years i think you can be sure that its not an issue.  Police have got more important crimes to investigate, so give yourself a break and forget about it

  7. You poor thing, I hope you are not having nightmares about it lol

  8. technically you were just a child and at that age i was surprised you even acknowledged your fingerprints was on it! If it is THAT bad I suggest you talk to someone in y our family.

  9. Oh you poor thing, how traumatic.  I bet you wouldn't have put it back if it were a bar of chocolate now would you!

    Let's be honest here, I don't think you could be a career criminal, you see you are not supposed to take things back if you steal them.

  10. Dont worry no one cares 36 years is a long time! But if you are still feeling guilty then talk to someone about it, a family member or a friend would do and tell them. It will get it off your chest and they wont treat you badly or think your a bad person ! x

    Hope this helped

  11. May as well turn yourself in. I am about to call Crimestoppers. Unless you and I could come to an....."agreement"?

  12. This has to be a joke question

  13. god i did the same thing exactly..a ten packet though,thanks for the memory forgot all about it till now.and no i dont feel guilty i was just a kid ,your forgiven.unlike you i didnt put them back they was all damaged i think i just threw them away.the good old days eh  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Assuming I'm not wasting my time answering something that sounds like a joke, if you are in the UK you are in the clear.

    To commit theft you have to have the intention to permanently deprive someone of property.  In other words, take something and never intend to give it back.  The fact that you went to put the cigarettes back indicates no intention to permanently deprive.

    Also, if you are in the UK, at 7 years old you are under the age of criminal responsibility so wouldn't be prosecuted anyway.

  15. Leaving a cigarette machine in that condition could have seriously damaged your health, maybe you should see the event not as a failure of them prosecuting you, but of you prosecuting them....still never mind.

  16. I think Mr Big deserves a new honey pot! =)

  17. The statue of limitation has long since run out....also...unless you had a previous criminal history.....your fingerprints wouldn't have been in the system. I think you need some serious help. Forget the cops...find a good shrink.....and a stop smoking clinic.....

  18. I know exactly how you feel. 15 years ago when i was 11, while i waited for Santa Claus to arrive to our house i set a trap thinking  it would be funny to play a joke on old Santa, but the joke went wrong. One of the reindeer got stuck around the neck with the rope i had set up, Santa didn't notice and when he took off flying    the reindeer's neck broke. =(    the worse thing is that santa didnt notice and they dragged Rudolph around the sky dead.  It was horrible. i never had told anyone about this. But seeing how brave of a person you are, it made me want to come clean. I want the whole world to forgive me.  Santa if you're reading this, I swear it wasnt my intentions to hurt Rudolph. Im so sorry.

  19. Visit a psychiatrist, he will advise you.

  20. you were they wouldnt do anything

  21. Don't worry!That is my advice!Look what that political cretin Gordon Brown has been getting away with all  for these years!

  22. If you were in the UK, you were too young - only 10 year old plus are of the age of criminal responsibility. I suspect that the US age is higher still.

    Hope that helps.

  23. Thou art an sinner - repent.

    But first, listen to this music and know that Jesus loves you.

    and, when you have repented of your sins, go and give money to the poor.

    Now listen to this music


  24. When i was a young lad , my parents sent me walking to the corner grocery store for things.  I used to swipe those little 25 cent pecan pies , and eat them on the way home.  I never became a career criminal , nor am i with a lot of guilt  - that may be due to the fact that as an adult , i realize that when i was a kid , i ate pecan pies that were pulled out from my crotch, where i'd hidden them when i stole them.......EW!

  25. When you were 7, what were you doing out somewhere there was a cigarette machine, without parental supervision?

    That's bad parenting.

    It's your Mum and Dad that will have to go to prison and meet Mr Big. Tough luck on them, but hey, maybe you should've kept quiet and they wouldn't have to 'drop the soap'.

  26. its criminals like you who have helped to destroy this country. do the honorable thing, hand your sorry *** to the police. perhaps a spell inside will make you think twice next time you are seven.

  27. What are you really feeling guilty about? Terry.
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