
I have a coopy of the constitution that my grandma gave me and it smells, why?

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It's printed on some sort of dark crispy like paper.




  1. Document and Photo Preservation

    The key to preserving your paper documents is to keep them in an acid-free, humidity-controlled environment. Your paper documents need protection from a variety of elements which contribute to their deterioration--namely: light, heat, humidity, acids in papers, plastics, and adhesives, other objects, pollutants, and pests.

    You can store and preserve your paper documents in a few different ways. You can organize and file your documents in acid-free folders, and keep them in an acid-free box. Or you could place your documents in archivally safe plastic sleeves and keep them in an album or binder. Another popular alternative is to encapsulate a document between two sheets of polyester film.

    Regardless of how you choose to store your documents, NEVER STORE THEM IN AN ATTIC OR BASEMENT. Extreme temperature and humidity changes cause rapid deterioration. Store your items in a room that is comfortable to you, with stable temperature and humidity.

    Plastic enclosures are safe for documents ONLY if they are made of polyester, polypropylene, or polyethylene. Other plastics are not chemically stable and will release damaging acids over time. Especially dangerous is PVC (polyvinylchloride) commonly found in store-bought” binders; it emits hydrochloric acid over time.  

  2. Many old documents have a musty, old smell if they have not been stored properly over the years. Unless it is also damp, I would store it in a sealable plastic zip loc bag. Or you can check with your local historic society or librarian to see what they think. They might have a better solution.  

  3. Its old. And musty. Not unusual. I wouldn't worry about it too much =]

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