
I have a corn snake that haven't eaten since March, What could be the problem. He looks and acts healthy?

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I have a corn snake that haven't eaten since March, What could be the problem. He looks and acts healthy?




  1. I have a female corn snake that acts the same way. About the same time too. I do believe it is currently their breeding season and they are probably on a fast of some sort. I am about to go buy her some pinkies to see if she will eat them. But my friend said she did this last year just before she laid eggs so I'm assuming it is their breeding season. Although I would like to know when it's over because my brother has wasted like 12 mice trying to feed her... he ended up feeding the owls around his house.. x_X

    I say give him a little while. I wish I could tell you more. but I'm about to go ask a vet myself what could possibly be wrong.. but for right now, your's isn't alone...

    =] good luck though. I hope mine eats soon too.. try pinkies.  lol


    My snake -has- fasted since march like yours. I just went and bought 3 frozen fuzzy mice (they are a little bigger than pinkies but still babies.) I warmed it up in hot water and layed it next to her in her cage (as unadvised as that is) and she ate it!!! omg, I'm so happy right now!

    I suggest, depending on how old he is, buy frozen food, warm it up in hot water and just lay it next to him (forget the feeding box, you're worrying about his life right now)

    I read in a corn snake book that if the temp is under 70 they will go in a hibernation state. So make sure to keep the cage around 80 or a little higher.

    If none of these works. Call your vet. He could be sick. check his mouth and make sure there isn't any crusty mucus, or any mucus inside his throat. My friends snake had a respiratory infection. They are not fun to have after that because you have to give them shots and eventually they will start to fear human hands. and get into a habit of biting.

    My First advice: Check for crusty mucus; if non, GO BUY A FROZEN FUZZY MOUSE. Warm it up in hot water and put it in the cage (again, s***w a feeding box, it's his life your talking about)

    Second advice: If there is, or is not mucus and a frozen mouse doesn't work. Call or bring him to a vet, he could be sick.

    =/ if he is too small for a fuzzy, get him a pinkie..

    I just fed my snake about 10 minutes ago in her cage... the mouse is about half the width of her, so I'm going to put her in a feeding box tomorrow with a second one to try and get food into her. about three days after that I'm going to give the third one. and a week after that probably try and get a frozen adult before switching her back to live food.

    Good luck with you snake, I hope this helps!!

  2. If the snake is cold it will not eat so make sure the cage is warm enough. If is breeding season for them. Females will eat a lot then stop eating till they lay their eggs. Males will also stop eating sometimes until they breed. I would watch him closely and when he starts getting more active than normal try feeding him, usually this is a sign he is hungry. Breeding season is coming to an end though corn snakes in the south can breed year round because the temp change is not as drastic. I would give him a little more time and if with in another month he is still not eating I would think about taking him to a vet that has experience with snakes. I hope this helps. My answers come from my own experience with breeding my corn snake.

  3. my corn snkae has recenly fasted for a month smoetimes reptiles just do this and  aslong as you keep puting a mouse out every week you should be ok

    bare in mine:

    age-if they are young they ay struggle to eat

    size of mouse-if you have changed mouse size recnely he may be scareof the bigger size so i wud go back donw till he grows a bit bigger

    illness-your snake may be ill check for crusty round the nose chck for things that wernt there beofr like dark blemises if it carrys on not eating tho i would take it to a vet

  4. does your cage have some kind or heat source? sometimes they wont eat if its too cold. you can also try taking the water out for a day then dipping the mouse in water.

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