
I have a couple of questions about flying..?

by  |  earlier

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1). If I need to charge my Ipod and I bring my laptop with me as carryon, may I turn my laptop on and charge it on the plane?

2). Are we alloud to bring snacks on the plane? Let's say, a chocolate bar or something? lol. And also, i'm guessing we can't bring bottled water on the plane?

3). When should I check in online? My flight is this Friday and the plane takes off at 4:40 pm.

Thank you! :)




  1. 1)yes you can just wait until the pilot says its ok to turn on electronics

    2)yes snacks are alowed not water

    3)i dunno? can them and ask if you dont get a good answer from anyone

  2. Can't help you with the first part.

    You can't take anything past security check in.  After you pass through that, you can buy water, soft drinks and food which you can take on.

    Some airlines you can't check in more than 24 hrs. in advance, check with your airline.

  3. 1 yes

    2 yay but if there are allergies they will tell you to keep this type of food kept away before you guys get aboard

    3 you should get there at least at least 3 hours just to be safe especially in noon... you know what make that 4 hours just to be safe...

    have a nice trip!!!

  4. 1.  it depends on the airline.  no electronic devices are allowed to be turned on during taxing, takeoff and landing.  

    2.  yeah your allowed.  they usually have bottled water.

    3.  if its a domestic flight, usually 2 hours before.  international flights 3 hours before.  have a good flight!

  5. 1 - Yes

    2 - Only if you buy the snacks after the security checks.

    3 - No idea.

  6. You can use an Ipod and laptop on the plane, just not while taking off and landing.

    You can bring food and drink on the plane. The drink has to be bought after passing the security check though. But that would be a good plan as it's a lot cheaper than purchasing it on the plane (not that airport food and drink is cheap but still...)

    Don't know your airline but usually you can check in online from 48 hours before flying.

  7. 1.You can have your laptop with you as a carry on. During landing and take off they'll ask you to put up the tray. So just wait until they say its okay to put the trays back down.

    2.You can bring snacks with you. If you put the bottle of water in a plastic bag...When my god brother was still on the bottle, they let him and his mom get on the plane with it.  But try bringing the little bottle ones that way they wont have a fit.

    3.24 hours to 90 minutes before you flight takes off...Thursday night I would say.

  8. 1) Yes you may. Obviously you wont have internet, but you can do anything else you want to do on your laptop.

    2) Yes, any foods/snacks are also appropriate. You CAN bring bottled drinks as long as they are bought after you pass through security...not from home.

    3) You can check in at any point online.

    Have fun on your trip.

  9. 1) You can have your laptop on while the plane is still on the ground, but when the take off is announced they tell to turn off electronic devices......but they let you know when you're able to turn them on again... Everything is just in the take off and landing.

    2)Yes, you can take snacks with you on the plane but not any liquid or gel..they will throw them again. But again, chocolates, cookies are allowed

    3)It is not necessary to do it on-line You can do it in person in the airport through the counter desk or the self-machines...Just make sure to take a print out with you before leave home....

    Be in the airport 3 hours before your flight for international flights and at least 1:30 before your flight if it's a domestic

    Have a good trip!

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