
I have a couple of questions about road rules??

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1. At a 4-way stop sign, if there are three vehicles (in single file) waiting to go (let's call them A, B and C), and a vehicle D arrives on the cross street, and vehicle A proceeds forward. Does vehicle D have to wait for B and C to go first?

2. When making a left turn from a large street into a small street with only one lane per direction, and another vehicle is making a right turn into the same street from the opposite direction of the large street, who has right of way?




  1. 1. whoever is stopped at the stop sign first, goes first. D does not have to wait.

    2. the car turning right has the right of way because your driving across the lane he's already in.

  2. 1. At a four way stop, when there are several cars 'in line' at one Stop, and one car arrives at the cross street, the first car in line goes first, then the car at the cross street. Then as the other cars approach their Stop they all stop and proceed in turn.

    2. The car making the right turn has the right of way as he can turn more easily, maybe even without waiting.

  3. D does not have to wait............

    The other person making the right turn has the right of way.

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