
I have a couple questions about living in Spain...???

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Hello. My husband and I are thinking of moving to Spain in a couple years (we want to see if it is the best thing for us). We are planning to "house hunt" next Spring.

My questions are:

How easy is it to find a house? (not a flat or appartment), we have pets and need the space (at least some yard).

What is the average salary?

What's the average cost of living?

How much are the yearly taxes?

If you own property, Are there property taxes every year?

What is the average cost for electric, water, gas and gasoline?

THANKS A MILLION!!! I apologize that I have so many questions. Any help will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Have a look at the 'gospain' and 'sispain' websites. They have lots of links.

    House finding is easy. Houses in major cities are expensive.

    Official average salary is around €20,000 a year. A primary school teacher earns around €23,000.

    before tax.

    Cost of living. Well, you can live on a teacher's wage. Obviously some areas are more expensive than others.


    Was it Ben Franklin who said "only two things in life are sure. Taxes and death."

    Some big accountancy firms have booklets on Spanish tax. It's complicated and if your tax affairs are complicated, and you can't discuss it in Spanish, get help from a professional accountant or gestoria specialising in taxation.

    Spain is different and their taxes are different. e.g. There is capital gains tax on homes.

    Property taxes. You pay around €200 a year to the town hall. You also pay them a car tax.

    Gasoline is about €1 a litre.

    Taking everything into account, the cost of living is about 30% cheaper than in England.

  2. How easy is it to find a house? (not a flat or apartment), we have pets and need the space (at least some yard).

    It depends on the region. Madrid is incredibly expensive (in relation to salaries). It's easy to find houses, apartments or whatever, the difficult thing is to afford the prices! (calculate a minimum house cost of 50% of an average salary, either if you buy or rent. A 40m2 apartment would cost you from 600€ or more rented, and, depending on the district, from 240.000 euros on sale or higher. Calculate 6.000€ per m2. A detached house, outside madrid, can cost you from 1200€ or more, rented. from 300.000-360.000€ or more on sale. Inside madrid, prices are for millionaires)

    What is the average salary? from 1000 to 2000 €.

    What's the average cost of living? 1 person, about 2000€ per month minimum

    How much are the yearly taxes?

    If you own property, Are there property taxes every year? yes. It's called the IBI (Impuesto sobre los Bienes Immuebles)

    What is the average cost for electric, water, gas and gasoline? water and electricty are more or less cheap. Gas is very expensive and gasoline is about 1.50€/L, diesel about 1€/L.

    All this is for Madrid and big cities in general. You may find it incredible but in fact most of people cannot afford a house unless they are two, a couple, paying it. But, it depends on the region you choose. In general, living in Madrid is very expensive in relation to salaries. But, it all depends on the kind of work you have and what you earn!

    Hope it helps.

  3. I already live in Spain. Your questions are quite extensive and it would take some explaining to write in detail.

    There is plenty of property available at the moment. There is still massive building projects going on. It really depends on where you intending looking for a property.

    The average salary depends on your profession but it will be considerably less than the UK.

    The cost of living however is much cheaper. Food is fresher and of better quality. We always reckon where you spend £1 in the UK it is 1 Euro in Spain. Fuel for the car is much cheaper, about 40% cheaper and of course wine is so cheap and excellent quality for the price. Electricity is expensive. Our rates are less than 100 Euros per year.

    Taxes....If you become a resident you will pay all your taxes in Spain. You will be classed as being a resident if you live here more than 183 days a year. There is something in Spain called the wealth tax which has to be paid every year. For information check on the following

    If you are a resident you will be taxed on your wealth worldwide, but as a non resident just your assets within Spain, but being a resident you do get allowances.

    If you buy a property off plan and they tell you it will be finished within a certain time span, beware, you may have to wait much longer. Don't plan any move until you definitely have the keys to the property. So many people  have moved on the premise of moving in on the agreed date. You may then need to rent until your house is ready which will be expensive.

    Look around the area. There are many houses for sale privately. You may save money by buying privately as estate agents  fees can be as high as 8% - 15%.

    Finally and the most important  thing to do before you do anything else. GET A GOOD LAWYER and I can't emphasise that enough.

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