
I have a crappy GPA.

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Yes. Freshman year, I had a lot of trouble. I had anxiety issues, and I had a lot of trouble. I made about a 1.4 GPA. Which is, horrible. I am a very intelligent humble person. But this...this was just c**p. Sophmore year I got my act together and raised it to a 2.0. Junior year I'm planning to do the same. I'm shooting for a 2.5. Though I'm trying to get atleast all A's with an exception of Math and German. So about all A's and two C's. If I were to get all A's my junior year, how much would I shoot up from a 2.0 to? I also plan to join a lot of clubs. And will my senior year GPA be added on aswell? Thank you. I'm very embarassed. :(




  1. ohh.. your screwed.. it will go up but not too much.. just do good in all your regents if your smart like you say, that looks pretty good.. good luck..

  2. Just don't put your GPA on your resume.  The important thing is that you graduate with a decent understanding of the basics of your major. Most learning occurs on the job.  Join more clubs and focus on networking.  I did exceptionally well in school but am experiencing the same amount of difficulty finding a job as my classmates who barely got by.  I personally think that networking is more important in college than excellent grades. Personality and skill level counts for everything.  

  3. With all A's you could get up to a 2.67 without Ap/honors classes. With AP/honors classes you could probably get it higher than that if your school gives weighted grades for AP/honors classes.

    Here's how I calculated it.

    Freshman and Sophomore year is 8 quarters. 2.0*8=16.0 for 8 quarters.

    junior year is 4 quarters, 4.0*4=16.0 Add 16.0+16.0 to get 32.0 for a total of 12 quarters. Take the average, 32.0/12=2.67.

    Your school might calculate GPA a but different so take that as an estimate, not a sure thing.

    It depends on how early you apply to colleges. If you apply like in the late fall then the first quarter or first semester of your senior year might be added on to your cumulative GPA.
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