I've lived in the house I rent for 3 years. 1 month after I moved in, leaks started springing everywhere, basement, kitchen ceiling, bathroom tiles started falling out, water from the roof dripped into tub through the tiles in the ceiling,then that fell out. She would immediately come over and temporarily fix the problem, but a couple of weeks later they would start again. Now, my grandmother died and left me a beautiful home that I'm moving into this weekend. My dilemma lies here...yesterday she(my landlord) sticks a note in my door stating $1313 dollars is due immediately for August rent, water. I put the money away due to the fact that the house is literally crumbling around me. She knows and acts like its nothing and she just wants money. She knows the house was like this when we moved in but claims the issues I have only started when we moved in. Should I pay or just move out my stuff into the house my grand mother left me?