
I have a crazy mom i don't get her at all what should i do?

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my mom is a single parent with triplet two boys and a girl that are 16 i love my mom but its the things she dose what drives me crazzy, i know all she wants is the best for me but sometimes i tend to look the other way she makes me out to be the worst kid on earth it seems whenever i mess up if its grades the people i hang out with the things i do the places i go..she makes it the worst..i try to learn from my mistakes but after all is said and done im always in the same place...i dont know..helpp




  1. Some patience - be thankful she sounds like she's trying. Keep in mind just like you didn't get a manual on how to be or operate, neither do parents. We try our best, some trial and error, but it's always with the best of intent. Try Talking to her.

  2. I would be crazy too If I had Triplets! She is pretty much just being a mom, but just let her know you arent perfect and you will make mistakes just like she did I'm sure.

  3. I know, parents can be annoying, but I think you are a great kid because you recognize that all she wants is the best for you. Trust me, she isn't out to get you, and she has very high expectations for her children, she just forgets that there are kids doing much worse things out there.

    I wish I would have listened to my parents more when I was growing up. But then again, I had to make mistakes myself to figure out that they were right in the first place.

    You are going to have to make your own decesions here and there, but just keep in mind that your mom knows you are a good kid, she just has high expectations for her children, and there is no harm in that.

    Good luck, just bare with your mom, she is doing the best she can, and if she yells at you about stuff just nod your head, and keep in mind she just wants you to grow up to be a good person, which I think you will do just fine at

  4. Give her examples of what other ppl do that are worse than what you do... i mean d**n i was pregnant whan i was 17 just tell her that she dont need to worry so much you know what is wrong and what is right you are old enought and the more she tells you not to do something the more you are going to want to do it just cuz she says not to .

  5. theres nothing you can do it's her job as a parent

  6. i think its a mom thing, just keeping doing what you do, unless you dont think you should, ignore her, all moms do me, i have one like yours it sux, i kno, just think, "i guess its better than her not caring at all"

  7. All parents are not perfect so thats something to consider. Sit down with her and share your feelings and your thoughts. It is very crucial at this time to have a close relationship with her.  

  8. whats the question?

  9. i have a crazy mom too and she never understands me. i just learn to live with it and move on

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