
I have a crush on my best friends older brother what do i do??

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I have a crush on my best friends older brother and i think he feels the same i see him around school and stuff i'm year 9 he's in year 11 he's 3 years oldre than me i havn't told my friend and i know the guy totally dosn't think i fancy him... what do i do??




  1. Pull your best firend aside and tell her that you like her brother and that you would never let that get in the middle of your friendship. Let her feel like she is a part of it so she wont get hurt later becuase you told her a secret.

  2. I think first you should tell your friend that your interested in her brother and ask her if she cares if you try to talk to him/date him. I know a lot of girls get mad when their friends try to date their brothers. If she doesn't mind, then go for it. Talk to him more when your at your friend's house, talk to him at school, and just try to get to know him more. If you still are interested in him and he seems interested in you, ask him out if he hasn't asked you already! Good luck (:

  3. omg thats sooo weird... i like my best friends brother too! but im in middle school and hes a senior in highschool! haha lol. well i think you shouldn't ask him out he should ask you out because he will if he really likes you! and if you ask him out and he turns out not to like u, it might ruin you and your best friends friendship and his friendship (if u guys r friends) so i think you should wait until he makes a move!

  4. tell your friend asap; if you do get together with her bro, she gonna be mad u didn't tell her!

    tell her that even if things don't work out between you and him, she wont need to suffer. don't use her as a go-between, to find out if he likes you - tell her that, too.

    don't treat this guy like ur best friends bro or it will get in the way of ur friendship.

    treat him like any random guy.

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