
I have a crush on my teacher?

by  |  earlier

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okay.. so yeah. i think he's one of the most gorgeous men i've ever seen. he's just coming out of college, so he's really young. and he has amazing eyes. a great sense of humor. and he's just beautiful. plus he's really super nice.

i can't concentrate because of this. especially because it's math. and i don't know what to do. he catches me staring at him. and it's uncomfortable.

i don't want to get moved out of his class.. because i really like him.

and i don't want to tell anyone what's going on because that would be weird and awkward. and of course i don't want him to know i like him (incase he hasn't figured that out). so PLEASE help. PLEASE. i neeed to get at least a 3.8 gpa this year, and this is NOT helping my case at all whatsoever.


oh.. and i realize that i'm too young (15) to be acting this way and of course, dating a teacher.. so don't act like i'm doing something wrong. it's harmless.





  1. ive seen student-professor relationships. its not horrible, it just slams your and teachers reputatioon

  2. Well, just pay more attention to your grades and don't let him get in the way of that. Keep your love life away from school.

  3. that was me 5 years ago! I had a huge crush on my algebra teacher and it was right around the time of my ACT, I was under a lot of pressure. It was the only math class in my life that I aced and on top of that we started dating after I graduated. Try to be friends with him, ask for extra help.

  4. nothing's gonna happen.  If he's a teacher then he's smart enough to know that it's rape.  SO get over it asap

  5. Honey, he would go to jail if he pursued it, so if you really care maybe you should ask for a transfer.

  6. you need to get over him thats not good for you cause ur too young to be liking a teacher good luck don't like a teacher  

  7. Hes an adult so im pretty sure he knows you like him....people can tell these things. But at least focus on you math so he will like you not as a g/f but as a responsible student

  8. thats not good

    get over it

  9. Ok this happens to like, everyone at least once in their lives.

    It'll pass, just DON'T act upon it, this could mean he would lose his job and/or you would have to move school.

    not really much more to say

  10. :D i have the same problem. but i can control it....i just say hi to him whenever i see him

  11. It is okay to have a crush on a teacher, and perfectly normal.  But don't let it impact you grade.  If you like him so much then you should focus extra hard and impress him with how much you know and can pay attention.  A crush is a crush but don't let it get out of hand. I hope that helps :)

  12. well if he just graduated out of college you are jail bait to him so i doubt he is going to give you a chance.  so maybe u should find someone ur age and just respect ur elders.  

  13. You should try and find someone your own age i know how it is...He's older and more mature...I've been there. The only thing that I know would help would be to get a math tutor if you absolutely have to stay in his class even though it would be best to get a transfer.  

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