
I have a crush on the Duke of Edinburgh. Does that make me weird?

by  |  earlier

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He's a bit of a character, you can imagine having a laugh with him. He probably didn't kill Diana. I think he's much maligned and underrated.




  1. No,it means that you just like him. Philip is known to be attractive to the ladies,even though he does suffer from "foot in mouth" gaffes on  occasion. He is said to be quite charming. And Philip did not have any thing to do with the tragic death of Diana;she died because of the negligence of Henri Paul,who chose to drive while under the influence of alcohol,and the recklessness of the paparazzi who chased the princess' car at high speeds.

    He has carved out a niche for himself with his charities,especially the ones for young people.

  2. if you are elderly then yes it would be acceptable to have posters, autographs. etc.

    butt if you are young/middle aged. then it is just a bit not normal. but sure go ahead and have a crush on him it's a free world right??

    and i do agree with you it must be a bit of a laugh being royal with all those polo matches, corgis, banquets.....  simply SMASHING.

  3. He reguarly goes marble hunting. He's crackers

  4. Yes, yer weird. Thanks for the two points.

  5. Elisabeth's husband? omg he's old and ugly

  6. So the shallow majority above think just because your old your worthless and have no appeal. You didn't say you wanted to sleep with him, all you said is you had a crush. Enjoy your crush its harmless and so is he.

  7. NO it does not makes you weird....

    it's normal feeling for a normal person...

    that means you are " a human being"....a real one...

  8. Old Dukie is OK, I met him when I was in the Navy once, very briefly.  He's just another man really.  A bit arrogant and outspoken at times, but I think he's right in one sense...he doesn't suffer fools gladly.  

    Jeez he's looking a bit like an old relic thats been dragged out into the light and dusted of lately.  Don't know old he is but was looking very haggard when the French President and his wife arrived in London recently, and he sure needed a haircut.

  9. Sympathy for the old man, I guess is alright. empathy definitely. A crush !!!!!!!That one I would give up on

  10. omg, that's so disgusting.  he's ancient and besides that he's a married man!

  11. No, enjoy your crush while he lasts!  (Provided you don't have slanty eyes; I don't believe he is a fan of those!)

  12. how old are you? you know he's like 80-something right? to answer your question, yes... it's very weird.

  13. if you like 86 year old great grand dads  i suppose that's ok

    he is quite comical

  14. noo, i rather like prince william. te he he, i think hes very attractive and all you royal haters, go and kill yourself in the most painful way possible, please. its not nice and only because your jelous because you dont have wealth or any form of importance or life other than an existance so go and die

  15. Yes you are weird fancy having a crush on him you must be desperate.

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