
I have a cumulative GPA of 3.6 and wondering if there's a way to get into UCLA for Film Major.?

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I don't have any extracurricular record except for "creating" the film club, and being the president. My school, James Bowie High School (Austin, Texas), is very prestigous, academic and recreation wise, but they don't give a rat's *** about film or cinema. so, making the film club on the second semester of my junior year, and now just starting senior year, I wasn't able to get anything going with the film club, since no one's really excited or enthusiastic, and of course, no school support (literally, at all). I've never taken a leadership position before, and I am baffled. Please, help me.




  1. If your 6'11" and can run and jump like a gazelle, hit the open jumper and clean the glass... I would call Ben Howland, he will surely get you in.

  2. You can get into UCLA, but don't major in film.

    I hate to break it to you but film majors usually end up working at Wal-Mart forever, I had a buddy that this happened to.

    To make it in film you have to have enormous talent and a ton of luck.

    If you have a 3.6 apply that to something that will get you a really good job.

  3. I'm also a senior in high school.

    All I've heard about UCLA is how prestigious it is and how hard it is to get in.

    I suggest you call/research the requirements for a separate application for the film school. I've heard that if you have great talent, the school will think highly of you even if you have "average" grades. (I'm interested in drama which requires an audition and separate application/essay)  

  4. you can take two years at santa monica community college and then when the 2 years are up its really easy to transfer into UCLA

  5. Your going to have to take a 2 year college.

    Like the person just say.

    Then you can transfer to UCLA.

    Cause, UCLA, is extremely picky.

    I live in California.

    Still in HS.

    And my cousin just graduate from UC Berkeley.

    He has an average of 4.5 GPA on his report card.

    Major in programming and software.

    He send an application to UCLA, 4.5 GPA, with like hundreds of award of pictures. And guess what. REJECTED.

    Luckily, UC Berkeley accepted him.

    So you see how hard it is to get into UCLA?

    And since your out-of-state...

    That will be like extremely impossible.

    I say one out of like 10000.

    1/10000 student with a 3.6 GPA Out-of-State

    But, if  you take a 2 year college at your place and transfer over to UCLA, with good report and stuff, you'll get a 1/100 chance to transfer over to UCLA.

    So, yah, no offense, but you shoulda work harder and taken more Honors class. ^_^

    But no worried, there other great school out there.

  6. Simply put.... there's no harm in trying. The worst thing they can do is say no. Better to have a definite "no" than to wonder for the rest of your life of what "could have been". 3.6 is a pretty decent GPA. Besides that they are going to look at your ACT/SAT scores, personal qualities and accomplishments. something you can do to help you get in is write an essay about the adversity you faced in your high school pertaining to film. Talk about how against all odds, you stepped up to create a club of interest. You communication, organized, took a leadership role etc etc. dont blow off that club like it was nothing! That was worth something big! Give yourself more credit! Is there anything you can join asap to put on your "activities list"? or perhaps start volunteering somewhere asap.  have you created any of your own films? talk about those.

    Hope that all helps!

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