
I have a cybertec hd dv600 camera/video?

by  |  earlier

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I have bought a cybertec camera/video in usa. I havent got a user manual for it and its not easy to work out. I cant find a website for this make of camera.Does anyone know anything about it or where I can get a manual preferably a downloaded one. I have to admit I thought it was a panasonic when I bought it and its only when I have got it home that I realise that it isnt and I have no idea whether cybertec trade under that name or another.Any ideas or help anyone can give me would be very much appreciated. I desperately need help as I am going on a course and I need a dig camera that I can work and download pictures with and I havent a clue on this one.





  1. me too!  could not find anything, even similar model. kindly re-check brand & model no.

  2. I am afraid you got taken just like I did. I bought my Cybertec HD DV600 in New Orleans recently from a camera shop salesman who led me to believe I was buying the newest Panasonic camera on the market. I did get a manual with mine. It came in the box with other accessories but there is no warranty card, no place to register the camera, no warranty information, no contact number or address. The camera takes terrible pictures in zoom mode everything fuzzes out. I am sick about it. The only advertisements I can find on the Web regarding this camera are in Spanish. There is NO US distributor that I can find and no way to get any answers. I am totally frustrated. I got taken to the cleaners by someone I thought was an honest shop owner.  That's what I get for being in a big hurry to by a camera while on vacation.

  3. Had a look around, couldnt find anything, maybe there is a phone number in the handbook that you could call, email address website I expect that you have already looked

    sorry i cant help just a few thoughts

    good luck

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