
I have a cyst in my lobe!?

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i have a small cyst in my ear lobe ive had it since doesn't hurt anymore but i don't like it, how do i get rid of it?




  1. You should try this stuff called drawing salve.  It's this really thick, gross, dark brown goop that you put on your skin to "draw" out the stuff underneath.  It smells awful and it's pretty disgusting, but it works really good.  You can use it at night and put a band-aid over it so the salve doesn't get everywhere.

    Or, you can try a warm compress.  I had a nasty cyst once in a place that I'd rather not mention, and I had to go to the doctor for it.  She told me to take a washcloth and soak it in hot water and press it up against the cyst.  I tried it that night and it was gone when I woke up the next morning,  

  2. If you have pierced ears and you haven't worn earrings in two or more weeks, the cyst could be forming because you left your earrings out. My doctor told me to very gently push a 14K stud through my ears and if it was a cyst, that pushing the earring back through could break the cyst open and allow it to drain. Sounds nasty, but if you use a cotton ball or two soaked in rubbing alcohol on your ear and then just turn the earring like you did when you first got your ears pierced, then the cyst will dry up and go away in a few days.

    However, if your ears aren't pierced and you have a cyst, then yes, a doctor may have to excise (burst it or cut it out) of your ear lobe. If this is the case, then you will not be able to wear earrings again. This is what a Cosmetic Surgeon told me to do when I went to him to see what could be done.

    I've been through this a couple of times because I simply left my earrings out of the piercings too long and a cyst formed. I followed my doctor's instructions and after the cyst had burst and drained, it felt a whole lot better. He said it is a rather common problem and usually not that hard to treat.

    The salve that the person above me is talking about really is some pretty nasty stuff. My mother used to use it when she got boils (we have no idea why she had them, just some people do) and she would apply this salve, put a large band aid over it and within two days, the boil would be completely gone. It is possible that this medicine might help your cyst, but since my doctor advised bursting my cyst with a gold stud, I can't say for certain whether this medicine will work on a cyst or not. But it certainly can't hurt to try it.

    Here is the name of the salve that the person above me was most likely talking about and it may be kind of hard to find. I haven't seen it in stores in a long time, but that doesn't mean that you won't be able to find it.

    Draw Out Salve - Ichthammol Salve 20%

    And here is the link for you:

    I hope that this is helpful to you and that you feel better soon.   ☺

  3. surgery, the doctor have to take it out.

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