
I have a dance audition later this summer. What are the most important things ajudcators or judges look for?

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It isn't until August, but I need to work with the classes I have this summer. What should I do to get noticed? The auditions are like long master classes. We warm up and then learn a routine. HELP ME PLEASE! The longest answer will get best answer!




  1. They look at:

    Body and Form

    Technique (Flexibilty and Strength)

    How fast you learn


    Confidence (make sure to smile and look relaxed)

    Before the audition, you should cut down on the junk food and exercise a lot so that you're in the best shape for the big day.

    Practice barre exercises or center movements or whatever you practice in your usual dance classes and try to perfect them as much as you can, it will make you stronger.  Stretch daily for the flexibility, and if you need more strength, you find out your weakest area, and do exercises to that.  For example, if your arms are weark you do push-ups, if your abdomen muscles are weak you do crunches.  

    Practice learning moves from watching a variety of dance videos, a little at a time, and try to remember the moves and do them smoothly.  Doing this every day will exercise your brain and get you used to remembering dances quickly.  

    Jog a little everyday and practice breathing smoothly so the judges don't catch you panting a lot.  If you appear calmer and less stressed, they have a better impression of you.  

    Make sure you smile a little when you dance and don't show stress or that you find something difficult.  If the judges ask you questions, answer them clearly and smile a little more when you talk.  

    Also, when you audition, look for a spot that you can sort of watch others, but also so that hte judges can see you really clearly.  

    good luck!

  2. for my try outs the coach stressed showmanship! you should smile (a real one) the whole time... even after you've stopped dancing.  also when you enter and exit the room make sure you have good posture and don't look down... be confident!!!!!!!!! if you miss the steps in the try out don't let it show on your face and try to get back into it as soon as possible! what i did was go home and practice the dance slowly making sure to get each idividual count and concentating on not only my feet and legs but my arms, hands, fingers, head, and body. then i slowly would increase the speed. if there is a certain thing like a turn try practicing that seperately in the same amount of counts needed in the dance. don't worry if it's not perfect the night before because you will be so pumped and excited the day of you'll be able to get the turn or the jump or whatever. hope this helps!

  3. judges are mostly looking for your technique.

    you need to be good for your age.

    look like you know what you are doing even if you don't.

    get flexible if you aren't already.

    if you do smile, don't do a teeth smile. thats a little too much. just do a nice simple smile.

    be confident. if you aren't confident then you won't make it. you need to just think about how good you are and how much you love to dance. good luck!

  4. well every judge is looking for a good dancer.

    they want to have fun and not get bored. what you need to do is smile all the time. and like when your dancing like maybe hip-hop or jazz you can make funny faces according to the dance.

    like if if the song says kiss me... you can make a kissy face.

    if youre doing turns you have to spot something so that your balance will be even. know what i mean

    and you need a lot of energy... exxagarate have fun.

    even if your not having fun make the judges think your having fun..

    you dont have to be a good dancer to get on a dance audition you just need all those qualities

  5. smile smile SMILE!

  6. always smile , look confident and use lots of energy!!!   even if you forget your steps!!

  7. if i were u, i;d make sure i stood out

    unless u have to wear a certain color/uniform

    wear something bright tht stands out from most people!

  8. The judges are looking for risky stuff...which sort of depeneds on what type of dance you are doing. Also it  depends on if you have a partner. They also look for class and style.             Sorry, that is all I have.

  9. cool i did a master class too (:

    well here are some of my tips.. [i made it to the team]

    .smile! the judges don't wanna look at a boring face

    .enery! exaggerate every single move

    .have a good attitude! no one wants a brat on their team!

    .try your best! even if u don't get something, ask questions and try!

    hope that helped (;

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