
I have a dance recital today and im really nervous! how do i break the nerves?!?

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I have a dance recital today and im really nervous! how do i break the nerves?!?




  1. First of all, relax. Take deep breaths. Think about something else that takes ur mind off of it, something happy, maybe. Then when u go on stage, think about something funny so you'll be happy and will keep on smiling. If you mess up, keep on going and don't change your facial expression and the audience will probably not even notice. Do your best and have fun!♥

  2. Everyone gets nervous before a show, it is a natural instinct to keep you focused.

    I know top performers who are still plagued with fear just before a concert (even after 30 years of doing it!)

    The amazing thing is about 2 seconds into your performance the nerves will disappear!

    Enjoy it!

    Hope it all goes well today and in the future.

    Best wishes.

  3. on both palms of your hand like draw a cirle with your finger and go slowly and lightly

    Hope I Helped That's what I do

    Good Luck

  4. Smile!  Believe in yourself!  I'm sure you've practiced countless times, you know the steps, you've done it before in the studio no problem!  Talk to a friend backstage, but don't talk about your nerves or the performance!  Just chat about random things and laugh a little bit.

    Most importantly, just smile!  Even if you do make a mistake, what's the worst that can happen?  The audience won't notice because they most likely don't dance, and if you smile, then they won't be scoping in so much on your footwork...instead, they will simply view you as a whole and see that you are having fun.

    Good luck!  I know you'll do great!  Recitals are not meant to disturb you (although it happens to every dancer regardless of experience).

    :) Chin up!!!

  5. just imagine..... a beautiful clearing in the woods, You are alone in this clearing. The audience are the trees,  you are dancing for yourself, you are flowing with the music and expressing yourself to the fullest.

  6. Don't think about it yet. If you start worrying now, you'll keep getting even more nervous, and by the time it gets to the show you'll be desperate. Do something to distract yourself until it's almost time to go. Then, practice your dances before you leave to reassure yourself that you know them. If you start getting nervous there, just remind yourself that you can do the dances; I'm sure you've done them well in class many times. It's very likely that you'll still be a little nervous, no matter how much you reassure yourself, but that's normal, and will hopefully motivate you to dance better.

    Hope this helps and good luck at your recital. :)

  7. I have a few techniques to make myself feel better and more confident before I get onstage. Firstly, before you perform, you can just stretch really well and do everything for an incredibly long time. This loosens up your body for the performance, and it gives your wringing hands a chance to stop. (: After that, I usually go over the dance, speed-style. Depending on what space you have, you can either mark it or go full out, but go at a pace that you can actually comprehend the moves and think about what you're doing. Be confident! You know the dance, you've practiced the dance. The audience probably doesn't know anything about dancing, so who cares! Look above the audience. That's for two things; to get your head up, and so you don't make eye contact with members of the audience. Don't do it, 'cause I can tell you, it makes it worse. (:

    That's all I've got, but good luck with your recital and I know you'll be wonderful!

  8. breath in, and fill your stomach with air, now breath out and let the air out. remember, you are not the only one to be nervous! good luck =]

  9. don't think about it!!! EVERY TIME before I go on stage and I think about it .... i get really nervous and panic!! But, when i don't think about it and concentrate on something else ..... i'm free of the nerves and i do PERFECTLY!!

    good luckk!


  10. First of all, clear your head. Take away all anxious thoughts, and envision yourself executing each movement perfectly.  

    To calm your breathing, do square breathing: Breathe in, 2, 3 4. Hold, 2,3,4. Breathe out, 2, 3, 4. Hold, 2, 3, 4. Repeat.

    If you have time, eat a banana before you go onstage, the potassium will boost your energy.

    Also, say a quick prayer before you go onstage!

    Good luck!

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