
I have a dance tomorrow.?

by  |  earlier

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Its promotion. Im very nervous. My date wants to take me to dinner I am very scared , I dont really know how to dance.

I want everything to go well. What will help me to not be nervous, and be calm. and how do i deal with the dancing im not very comftorable with it at times. Ive only gone to one dance in my life. And I really dont want to go to the dance but theres no way of getting out of it.




  1. just be yourself .if he asks you to dance tell him the truth he will understand he might even offer to teach you.

    if you want to learn how 2 dance watch this movie.

  2. sit and chat no need to dance, you cant be that bad! and also if he brings up the subject just tell him the truth he will understand. obviously he likes you becuase you are how you are. he has never seen you dance before so he must not like you for only that reason.

  3. hey girl!!! CHILLAX!!!

    If I were you I would just turn old some music in my room and rock out.

    or go on the radio and keep switching to different types of songs so youre practiced for whatever comes during the dance.

    And about the nervous part, take a nice shower and put a cold towel over your face when you get out. Then, watch tv or whatever you do to relax!!

    Hope this helps!

  4. oooo just  tell him ur not so good @ dancing

    im sure he will still love u. slow dancing is easy just put ur arms around his neck and sway

    im sure u will do fine

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