
I have a date in E1 on worksheet, how do i auto add date plus 7days on the other 51 worksheets in my workboo?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to have to go into every 52 worksheets and put in individual dates a week difference




  1. If its a standard decimal date, then


    adds a week

  2. This VBA macro will add 7 days to the date in E1 on the other 51 sheets without changing the date in E1 on Sheet1.

    If your starting sheet is not Sheet1, you will have to modify the macro to your sheet reference. To do that, just change 'Sheet1' in both places to the name of your starting sheet.  Make sure it is between the "" marks.

    Open your workbook

    Copy this macro, modified if necessary first, to the clipboard.

    Sub Set_Date_E1()

    Dim E1_Date

    E1_Date = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E1").Value + 7

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets


    If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" Then

    Range("E1").Value = E1_Date

    End If


    End Sub

    Next, press ALT + F11

    Insert  >  Module

    Paste the macro into the Module space to the right.

    Close back to Excel.

    Go to Tools  >  Macro  >  Macros

    Click on the macro to highlight it, if it is not already highlighted.

    Click:  Options

    Select a letter to be used as a keyboard shortcut.

    Close back to Excel.

    Press CTRL + your shortcut letter to run the macro.  You can run the macro this way any time you like.  You can also run it from any sheet in your workbook.  It does not have to be called from your starting sheet.

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